Friday, September 12, 2008

Simply A Brilliant BRILLIANT response to the "Lipstick on a Pig" debacle

How long is John McCain going to hide behind silly charges of sexism, simply to distract the American people from his policies? Only time will tell if this strategy will work.

I'm so angry about this vice president choice as a woman. As a woman I'm offended. I would love someone to look me in the eyes and tell me this choice wasn't made simply for political reasons. Go on, tell me this is a fabulous choice for McCain. It's not. Otherwise, she'd be talking policy and doing more interviews...Instead, her rhetoric and the truth don't line up, so she's backtracking all over the place. And, McCain doesn't have to field questions about his own flip-flopping ways, he can hide behind her and her wave-making. Then, when people ask the tough questions, call them sexists. Smart smart move.

She says she will oppose earmarks, but Alaska has asked for MORE earmarks per PERSON than ANY other state. She said she didn't support the bridge to nowhere...but she did, until Congress didn't support it. Then she jumped ship. But Alaska kept that money. Her selection is a joke.

1 comment:

boxcatav said...

Remind me never to get into a discussion with Chris Matthews.