Monday, November 19, 2007

I was tagged and so you get what you ask for, friends.

Here's how you play....once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with ten random facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end, choose ten people to tag, listing their names and why you chose them; don't forget to leave a comment on their page letting them know "tag you're it". You cannot tag the original people/person back that tagged you first, but let them know when you have posted so they can read your blog.

10. It's official. I'm a "cat person". I thought I just enjoyed having Napoleon, however, my cat-standing was fully realized last night whilst browsing the Christmas cards at Borders. The only ones I picked up were the ones with a cat theme.

9. Living in LA and working at home makes me feel really lonely sometimes. I miss the city of Orange and school a lot. Everyday, whether at the coffee shop, grabbing a sandwich or walking the halls of school, I saw someone I knew.

8. I want to polish up one of the two screenplays I wrote in school and submit it to some screenplay competitions.

7. I had three bikes stolen from me since moving to California (hence why I no longer have a bike...couldn't stand another one being taken from me) and my car broken into and my navigational system stolen.

6. I love editing but one day I would love to try and direct a movie.

5. My pet name for Ray is Monkey and his for me is Squirrel. Totally mushy I know, but I can't help it.

4. I miss fall time in Michigan.

3. Everyday I find myself more and more like my mom...and I don't think that's a bad thing. I really like my houseplants, doing little crafty projects, like converting a random piece of wood into a shelf, and giving a lot of unconditional love to my friends, Ray and Napoleon.

2. I really really want a vintage record player with the fancy wood cabinet and all. Then I want to go to Ameoba Music and buy a lot of records, new and old. Simon and Garfunkel would be my first purchase. "Slow down, you're moving too fast. You got to make the morning last. Just kicking down the cobblestones. Looking for fun and feeling groovy" - 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy)

1. I want to learn French and spend an extended period of time in Paris.

Since the two people I know with blogs already did this survey, I tag no one.


Miss Laura said...

You gotta get one of those record players. Make Ray go out at 4:30 on Friday morning and pick one up at JC Penney or someplace equally random. It's the best way to acquire one. You'll appreciate it more :)

boxcatav said...

And to think you laughed at me all those years for loving cats! I should send you my cat themed pillow case. Felines are absolutely wonderful. Wait until Napolean gets his card from Callie and Lucy!