Thursday, November 6, 2008

A small majority shouldn't be able to take rights away from the minority

I was fortunate to get a few hours off work last night to go to the No on 8 rally. It helped that my boss was the person leading the caravan to the rally. It was held down the street from where I live actually. There was so many people, we stopped traffic and walked through the streets. There was a big police presence but they just worked to re-route traffic. There was such peaceful love all around. It felt good to help in the fight for my gay and lesbian friends and be a representative of the majority for the minority. Equal rights for all!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes We Did

What a night! It all started when I couldn't stay asleep. I woke up at 10am, after working til 4am the night before. I walked to my polling place and waited an hour in line. The time flew as I talked with those around me. It was like a block party. Everyone happy to wait. Happy to vote. I walked away from the polls with a smile so big, I couldn't have made it go away even if I wanted. Regardless of what the outcome was going to be, I knew I voted for history and for change. My day went by in a haze, with the one highlight being free Starbucks coffee for voting.
At work I couldn't concentrate. So, when things settled down, I quietly closed my door and told my co-workers, if the supervisors look for me, give me a text, and I drove to my friends for an election party. On my way NPR gave me the good news. Barack wins! Even typing those words now I tear up. I arrived at the party to share the moment with good friends and my Raymond, which meant the world to me. We hugged each other tight. Our hugs had meaning. See, we've been talking about this candidate and this election in our circle for what feels like forever.
We watched McCain's speech and commented on how a part of us felt bad for him now. Now that the fight is over could we really see the human side of him. We agreed that he's a great man, but it was just not the right time for him. A few people remarked that perhaps 8 years of McCain might have been better than the last 8 years with Bush.
Then, Baracks speech! When he walked out I couldn't help but jump up and down. "That's my President!" I kept yelling. "That's my President!" Because never before has my vote gone to the winning candidate. And, not to mention a candidate I've felt such deep passion for. His speech brought tears to my eyes, I'm not afraid to say. What an awe-inspiring turnout of support, in Chicago, Washington, all around the US and abroad. I didn't want him to stop talking. I wanted to stay in the blissful communal moment with my friends longer. I can't tell you the last time I felt this happy. I know we have a long road ahead, and only time will tell what kind of president Barack will be, but I do know the hope that I have that he'll be a great one and that is what is fueling my joy right now.
When I left the party to head back to work, people were out in the streets with signs, cheering to passing cars, embracing one another, and taking pictures of the celebration going on around them. Car horns, including mine, cheered them on more.
My joy is slightly lessened by the news that Prop 8 is looking like it's going to pass, which would change CA Constitution to ban gay marriage. I live in a gay community, I have gay co-workers, one of which got married when it was legal, and another who hopes to be married one day. I talked to the man behind me in line at the polling place, who said he's never volunteered before or been so involved and that this was a RIGHT he wanted very much. I know their hearts are breaking tonight, so mine is too. I'm hoping this issue comes to a vote again.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008



Scroll to user comments. Someone independently saw the thesis film I edited at a film festival and commented on it's IMDB page! I can't wait to edit the feature!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How Dare You?

The Colbert Report is kicking ass and taking names!

CLICK on this LINK to see the WORD!

So very smart.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Simply A Brilliant BRILLIANT response to the "Lipstick on a Pig" debacle

How long is John McCain going to hide behind silly charges of sexism, simply to distract the American people from his policies? Only time will tell if this strategy will work.

I'm so angry about this vice president choice as a woman. As a woman I'm offended. I would love someone to look me in the eyes and tell me this choice wasn't made simply for political reasons. Go on, tell me this is a fabulous choice for McCain. It's not. Otherwise, she'd be talking policy and doing more interviews...Instead, her rhetoric and the truth don't line up, so she's backtracking all over the place. And, McCain doesn't have to field questions about his own flip-flopping ways, he can hide behind her and her wave-making. Then, when people ask the tough questions, call them sexists. Smart smart move.

She says she will oppose earmarks, but Alaska has asked for MORE earmarks per PERSON than ANY other state. She said she didn't support the bridge to nowhere...but she did, until Congress didn't support it. Then she jumped ship. But Alaska kept that money. Her selection is a joke.

Monday, September 8, 2008

A sampling from a NY Times piece

The Rhetoric and the Reality

A political convention is a license if not to lie then at least to tell the truth creatively. At their quadrennial gatherings over the last two weeks, Democrats and Republicans presented their records and their platforms — and those of their opponents — through typically partisan lenses that blurred or distorted the real picture.Both sides filled the airwaves with dubious claims, exaggerations and selective statistics. Here is a reality check for a sampling of statements made at the conventions.

John McCain

Republican convention speech, Sep. 4

"I will keep taxes low and cut them where I can. My opponent will raise them.”

Reality Check

This drastically simplifies what the candidates' tax plans would do. Mr. McCain would preserve all of the Bush tax cuts, while Mr. Obama would let them expire for those making more than $250,000 a year. Mr. McCain would also double the child tax exemption to $7,000 and reduce business taxes. Mr. Obama would reduce income taxes and provide credits for people earning less than $250,000 a year. The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center found that Mr. Obama's plan would amount to a tax cut for 81 percent of all households, or 95.5 percent of those with children. The center calculated that by 2012 the Obama plan would let middle-income taxpayers keep about 5 percent more income on average, or nearly $2,200 a year, while Mr. McCain would give them an average 3 percent break, or about $1,400. The richest 1 percent would pay an average $19,000 more in taxes each year under Mr. Obama's plan but see a tax cut of more than $125,000 under Mr. McCain.

John McCain

"My health care plan will make it easier for more Americans to find and keep good health care insurance. His plan will force small businesses to cut jobs, reduce wages, and force families into a government-run health care system where a bureaucrat stands between you and your doctor.”

Reality Check

Mr. McCain's proposed tax credit of up to $5,000 for families would probably likely help some uninsured and healthy Americans find good coverage, policy experts say. But those with health problems would have trouble, and most plans are more costly than the proposed credit in any case, some analysts add. But workers with employer-provided coverage would have to pay income taxes on the value of their insurance, long excluded from taxable income, to encourage cost awareness. As for Mr. Obama's plan, small businesses currently insuring their workers would benefit from new subsidies. Those that do not insure workers would face new costs. Obama advisers, and some nonpartisan analyses, say these employers would more likely withhold raises than cut wages, and freeze jobs rather than drop workers.

Barack Obama

Democratic convention speech, Aug. 28

"Now, many of these plans will cost money, which is why I’ve laid out how I’ll pay for every dime.”

Reality Check

Mr. Obama’s health-care plan alone would absorb all revenue from letting the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy expire. He says other big-ticket items — expanded national security, foreign aid, veterans and education benefits — will be offset with savings from leaving Iraq, cuts in subsidies and spending earmarks, and fees for polluting emissions. But the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center has concluded that both he and Mr. McCain “would substantially increase the national debt over the next ten years” —Mr. Obama by $3.5 trillion in the decade and Mr. McCain by $5 trillion.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

When it Comes to Napoleon...

Just let him do his own thing. He'll be a lot less pissed.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

This Weekend!!!

Edit Fest, put on by ACE (American Cinema Editors)! I'll be there!

Event opens with a welcome reception at Universal Studios and a panel discussion featuring:
•ACE Board Members
•ACE Intern Success Stories.
•Get the inside story from top animation editors. They’ll discuss their work from storyboard stage to completion.
Find out from the masters what it takes to edit “the funny.”
Editors from the year’s biggest films will discuss their work and challenges.

So far panelists include:
Dan Lebental – Iron Man
Michael Tronick – Hairspray, Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Paul Rubell – Hancock, Transformers, Collateral, etc
Craig Alpert – Pineapple Express, Knocked Up
Mark Helfrich – X Men 3: The Last Stand, Rush Hour
Carol Littleton – Margot at the Wedding, E.T., Silverado, The Big Chill
Dana Glauberman – Juno, Thank You for Smoking
Kevin Tent – Sideways, Election
Alan Heim – ACE President, All That Jazz, Network, The Notebook
Janet Ashikaga – Seinfeld, The West Wing, Medium
Bonnie Koehler – In Plain Sight, Crossing Jordan, House M.D.
Maysie Hoy – The Player, Why Did I Get Married, The Joy Luck Club
Jim Stewart – Monsters Inc, Law & Order
Randy Roberts – Vice President of American Cinema Editors, Law & Order: SVU (Producer)
Mark Goldblatt (Terminator 1 and 2)
...and many more panelists to be announced (all subject to scheduling conflicts and availability)

Attend this insider-only event where editors from top television shows discuss their work.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

There was a quake?

I slept through it. My dad calling is what clued me in.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Local 700

I'm in the Editor's Guild! I got my hours, finished all my paper work and took the required safety class. All I need to do now is get a Union job and start banking hours!

Friday, June 27, 2008

A slighty lighter look...

Today I went two shades lighter. It's a little hard to see in my computer station light...but you can kinda tell.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Making My Way...Kinda

I'm cutting a little 3 minute thing for work tonight. (I'm waiting for things to import, hence the time to blog) So... yeah, that's kind of exciting. And, when I Love Money airs on VH1 in July, episode 10 has a little transition I cut still in the episode. I mean, we're talking 20 seconds tops, but steps, baby steps.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Hanging out by TV and on his window perch. He's so spoiled.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Hey, I worked on that!

I just saw a commercial for the show I was working on. So, if you see the teaser for I Love Money on VH1...that's my show. This week I moved to a new show at the same company and there's talk of moving me to days, which would be nice.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Birthday Boy

Birthday Boy
Originally uploaded by
Click here for a link to Ray Ray's B-day Birthday Bowling Celebration. Sure it was a few months back...but I just uploaded the pics.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sticks and Stones, Transient Man, Sticks and Stones

Last night, as I was pulling out of the parking lot from work, I notice a scruffy, slightly scary looking man pulling a suitcase with a case of beer on top down the middle of the street. My window was cracked because it was so nice outside. I stopped at the sidewalk to look both ways and started turning onto the street and the man was right next to me practically and he was just staring and smiling at me. I'm turning; he's staring and smiling. I give a little smile and start to speed away. I hear him yell, "Bye, Hooker!" Now picture the "bye" long and drawn out, real creepy like, and the "hooker" quick and with emphasis. It was real weird.

I texted my co-worker who was right behind me and told him what the weird man in the middle of the street said and he texted back: "That's what you get for wearing demure earth-toned skirts." Which is what I had on...Hilarious response.

Friday, April 25, 2008

What Have I Become?

An early night at work has me home surfing the net long before my usual bedtime. I stumbled upon the site, Gato is Spanish for cat, everyone, and let me tell you, this is an island I'd like to be stranded on. Fun pictures of cats, galore, like this one:

I mean, come on, who wouldn't want to look at this picture or a picture of, say, a cat in a funny sweater while sitting on the beach of Gato Island eating bananas? But I digress. Yes, I know what this looks like. I know what I've become. At some point I turned into a person who likes looking at cute animal pictures on the Internet. A deer and a dog napping? Love it. A giraffe licking a squirrel?


Perhaps owning my own animal has brought this out of me. I love Napoleon despite him being kind of a jerk cat. Boy do I love that little jerk. I bought him this on the Internet:
I thought maybe my cat needed some outdoor time, since one of Napoleon's jerky-isms is his non-stop meowing at the front door when I'm trying to work during the day and thus not paying attention to him.

Phew...glad I got that off my chest. Now that my love of cute animal pictures is out there, I can get over the social stigma attached to people like me. So take your gloomy clouds elsewhere. Nothing but kittens and rainbows for me.

P.S. Mom and Dad. The wine country trip post to come. I have to find my camera battery charger so I can post with pictures.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Weekend in LA

Saturday Night: We hit up the Griffith Park Observatory for an awesome journey through space.

We looked through a giant telescope pointed at Saturn and were able to see the rings. The layout up on the hill also provided great night views of the city.

Then it was onto some food from Masa in Echo Park. (I had the most delicious Caprese Panini with prosciutto. Mmmm Mmmm...)

The night ended with fresh baked chocolate chip cookies and a viewing of Alien.


Ray and I hit up IHOP for The Mayor's breakfast. You know, from Horton Hears a Who. It includes: Green Eggs (scrambled eggs with spinach), ham and a fun tower of pancakes with bosenberry syrup bright purple and blue in color and rainbow colored chocolate chips.

After that, it was onto Century City (a great outdoor mall) for some browsing of the Container Store and then to see Horton Hears a Who. It was cute, but not quite a classic. There was one hilarious random character who cracked Ray and I up...but he wasn't on very much.

No celebrity sightings to report.

Next weekend: LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art)

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Stumble Upon

Ray introduced me to this web application called stumble check boxes of things that interest you and then hit a button labeled, "Stumble" and it takes you to a website you might be interested in...I don't know what this says about me, but two of my websites were:

This picture:


I guess this application knew I was counting the days until Bush is out of office...

Saturday, March 22, 2008

A little Friday night...well Saturday am (4am to be exact) Survey

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Lifeguard at the City of Leslie community pool.
2. Waitress at The Filling Station, Orange CA
3. Head Lab Assistant for the AVID help desk at Chapman University
4. Editor of GMC car commercials for the web

Four movies I would watch over and over (or have watched over and over)
1. Amelie
2. Good Will Hunting
3. 40 Year Old Virgin
4. Casablanca

Four TV shows that I watch:
1. The Office
2. Pushing Daisies
3. 30 Rock
4. America's Next Top Model (A total guilty pleasure that I enjoy watching with Heather)

Places I've been
1. Myrtle Beach, SC
2. Europe (England, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Liechtenstein)
3. Vancouver
4. One crazy night in Amarillo Texas

Four people who email [or call] me regularly:
1. Ray Ray
2. Heather
3. My Dad
4. My Mom

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Anything at Alcove
2. Sweet Potato Fries!
3. Tuna & Veggies
4. Fancy cheeses (Brie, goat cheese...) and fancy meats on fancy crackers

Four places I would like to be right now:
1. At the movies with friends
2. On a road trip with Ray
3. Backpacking in Eastern Europe
4. Hiking in Griffith Park

Four things I am looking forward to this year:
1. Reaching my 100th day of non-union work and getting into the Editing Union (Hello health insurance and overtime pay!)
2. Mamitas the feature
3. Maybe visiting Michigan when the weather isn't miserable
4. Ladies Wine Club tomorrow night. It's South American wine night in honor of Bianca's Brazilian-ness.

Four people who should/will [respond] post FOUR THINGS ABOUT THEM:
1. Matt Damon, because I love him and would love to know what he would have to say for himself.
2. Heather because she is mentioned in my blog...however, she doesn't have a blog of her own nor does she read mine.
3. Laura, because she's the only other person I know who reads this thing, besides maybe Anne, who already did this survey.
4. Napoleon, because he needs something constructive to do besides hunt my feet as I walk around the house.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

16 Minute Update

My Final Cut Pro is telling me 16 minutes left until my quicktime is done. So, until that finishes and I start my DVD burning...I might as well update this blog.

Yes, it's almost 5 am here...but see I spent all day in technical editing hell on this silly side-project I got myself into and then had to go to my night job...without getting the silly side-project done...hence why I'm still up.

What's new, you ask? Celebrities? Well, for Ray's birthday we went bowling and a few lanes away was Jerry Cantrell from the band Alice in Chains. He came to our lane to steal a ball, but my friend Heather (note: not knowing who he is) said, no way man (note: come to think of it, even if she would have known him, I bet she would have still said no way jose).
That's about it on the celebrity tip. Oh wait! Or is it...
I work with a celebrity. My fellow assistant editor on the night shift is known on the internet as Hollywood Steve. He said to me one of our first few nights working together, after I saw how many myspace friends requests he had in his email inbox, "I'm kind of famous on the interweb." I soon found out, he is. He was in this internet sensation webisode series called Yacht Rock (YouTube's hilarious) and in a Starburst commercial (YouTube it: Starburst Tashi). I'm a fan. He's also from Michigan and went to MSU. It's a small world out there people.

Moving on-
Things I'm hoping happen in the near future:
1.) Horseback riding in Griffith Park (pretty inexpensive for 2 hours of riding).
2.) A weekend trip to a wine festival with friends.

That's about all the energy I can muster for dreaming about the future. Sad.

Checking back in with the project...Oh good.
Less than a minute to go on the quicktime...go, Final Cut, go! line almost to the end...5 Seconds...COMPLETION!

FIREWORKS explode ***
in my mind-
I need sleep.

Over and out!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Guess Who I Saw?

Ray and I walk into the Borders at a mall in Beverly Hills. I notice someone standing in line is wearing a University of Michigan jersey. I look at the jersey and scoff as I often do when I see U of M paraphernalia. Next I move my glance up to the face. Bwhaa...double take, It's Russell Crow. He's pretty big time. So that was exciting.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Workity Work

I'd tell you more but I signed a confidentiality agreement. I'm having a good time though and it's right in the heart of Hollywood on Sunset...doesn't get any better than that!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Classic Weekend in LA

My only weekend off for awhile, now that my new job has me working 6 days a week. Good for getting in the Union quicker...bad for hitting up awesome LA hotspots with friends on the weekend. Yesterday we hit up Beverly Hills and Rodeo drive for some wishing and dreaming about a day when we will be billionaires whilst window shopping. I spotted Faith Hill and Tim McGraw at a spotlight in their fancy convertible. I kinda gawked at them as we passed by on the crosswalk. I didn't mean to. It just kind of happened without me realizing. We then headed to Santa Monica and walked on the Pier. The lights from the ferris wheel and the crescent moon lit the haze and waves below. From there we went across town and met some friends for Kareoke at a Burbank bar, a little hole-in-the-wall place tucked away in a small shopping center. You could definitely call it a dive bar. Sunday was a lazy day. A trip to Target and Bed Bath & Beyond, which lead Ray to quote Will Farrell's character from Old School, "I don't know if we'll have time," numerous times. Then we strolled on Sunset and passed by the ArcLight Cinemas...the best place to see a movie in LA. They have assigned seats and attendants who lead you to them. They also stay in the theater to make sure the sound and picture is at 100%. Oh and one person introduces the movie with running time, the stars in it, and most importantly, tells everyone to turn off their cell phones, pagers, etc. People are very serious about movie watching here. We saw Atonement. One of the last Oscar nominees we needed to see before the awards.

It was such a good last weekend of freedom!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Employed in LA!

What a difference a few hours make. So I finally got the call. I got the night assistant editing position I interviewed for last week. Reality TV here I come.

Oh boy.

Unemployed in LA

So my job cutting GMC car commercials came to an end with the cherry on top being my last two cars were Hummers. A car I'm so against I spit venom every time I see one. Seriously. Why would someone want to buy one? Don't answer that for I cannot and will not ever understand. But yes, I had to swallow my pride and sell sell sell, the devil car.
Now I'm looking for work, which is frustrating. There's work out there...if you want to work for zero money. "Deferred credit!" "A chance to work with creative talents who are looking to forge a lasting relationship with an editor." Blah blah blah...all the crap LA people try to sell to get you to work for free. I hope this strike ends soon. There is a serious lack of jobage out there and it's seriously bumming me out.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008