What a night! It all started when I couldn't stay asleep. I woke up at 10am, after working til 4am the night before. I walked to my polling place and waited an hour in line. The time flew as I talked with those around me. It was like a block party. Everyone happy to wait. Happy to vote. I walked away from the polls with a smile so big, I couldn't have made it go away even if I wanted. Regardless of what the outcome was going to be, I knew I voted for history and for change. My day went by in a haze, with the one highlight being free Starbucks coffee for voting.
At work I couldn't concentrate. So, when things settled down, I quietly closed my door and told my co-workers, if the supervisors look for me, give me a text, and I drove to my friends for an election party. On my way NPR gave me the good news. Barack wins! Even typing those words now I tear up. I arrived at the party to share the moment with good friends and my Raymond, which meant the world to me. We hugged each other tight. Our hugs had meaning. See, we've been talking about this candidate and this election in our circle for what feels like forever.
We watched McCain's speech and commented on how a part of us felt bad for him now. Now that the fight is over could we really see the human side of him. We agreed that he's a great man, but it was just not the right time for him. A few people remarked that perhaps 8 years of McCain might have been better than the last 8 years with Bush.
Then, Baracks speech! When he walked out I couldn't help but jump up and down. "That's my President!" I kept yelling. "That's my President!" Because never before has my vote gone to the winning candidate. And, not to mention a candidate I've felt such deep passion for. His speech brought tears to my eyes, I'm not afraid to say. What an awe-inspiring turnout of support, in Chicago, Washington, all around the US and abroad. I didn't want him to stop talking. I wanted to stay in the blissful communal moment with my friends longer. I can't tell you the last time I felt this happy. I know we have a long road ahead, and only time will tell what kind of president Barack will be, but I do know the hope that I have that he'll be a great one and that is what is fueling my joy right now.
When I left the party to head back to work, people were out in the streets with signs, cheering to passing cars, embracing one another, and taking pictures of the celebration going on around them. Car horns, including mine, cheered them on more.
My joy is slightly lessened by the news that Prop 8 is looking like it's going to pass, which would change CA Constitution to ban gay marriage. I live in a gay community, I have gay co-workers, one of which got married when it was legal, and another who hopes to be married one day. I talked to the man behind me in line at the polling place, who said he's never volunteered before or been so involved and that this was a RIGHT he wanted very much. I know their hearts are breaking tonight, so mine is too. I'm hoping this issue comes to a vote again.
I loved how Barack told the girls they earned the puppy! Was this your first election in CA vs. MI?
It was my first Presidential election. I voted in the primaries here. I loved every part of his speech, but yes, the puppy comment was just so cute. Those are really the best words you can give to a kid! "You're getting a puppy." I remember when my mom finally caved and we got Doogie :)
Awww, Doogie!
I love your passion, my dear, and I love that you got to experience that special night in such a great way. I'm more than a little jealous in that regard! On to a new chapter in history...want to hold hands? (You know you do!)
I want us all to hold hands...but I especially want to hold your hand!
Well, you know how I feel about the Melissa Hand of Love.
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